One Global Group is a lifestyle company. Our goal is to help enrich and elevate your life via our products and services brands. Our product brands consist of superfoods and vitamins, for general health and wellness, to advanced supplements for cognitive health and protection. Aside from products to supercharge and fuel your body, in order to help you ascend to your highest level, our holistic approach is to also provide information and education in the realms of mindfulness, fitness and lifestyle management. As such, we are currently developing online platforms and working with industry leaders to support these knowledge based initiatives.

Another important goal and mandate for One Global Group is about giving back. At the end of the day, our way of expressing gratitude and contribution is to uplift and empower others directly and not just via monetary based donations to charities and organizations. While there are so many causes that we are deeply passionate about, one that stands out for us is to nurture the younger generation. We created KO Girls as a means of providing a supportive and empowering environment for young girls to feel strong and confident. KO Girls is set to launch later this year.

Our brands

We have been working hard over the years to ensure that all of our brands are backed by exemplary customer service, marketing and business processes, along with establishing great teams, vendors and partners in each of our targeted regions. While some brands are still in the development phase, we wanted to ensure that we launch each brand with pride and commitment while staying true to our values and mission.